CDFI Friendly Fort Worth apoya a nuestras comunidades.
¿Cómo funciona?
CDFI Friendly Fort Worth es una organización independiente sin fines de lucro que existe únicamente para hacer coincidir las CDFI con las necesidades de financiamiento en Fort Worth. Está centrada en la comunidad, basada en más de un año de conversaciones con los residentes de la comunidad. La Junta controlada por la comunidad está compuesta por residentes de Fort Worth que trabajan en diferentes industrias y sectores, que invierten en el desarrollo económico y social de Fort Worth.
Desde enero del 2022, CDFI Friendly Fort Worth ha podido conectar a prestatarios locales con las CDFI que ofrecen el tipo de financiamiento que necesitan. Para el 2023, Fort Worth será una ciudad CDFI Friendly en pleno funcionamiento: CDFI Friendly Fort Worth.
El equipo de CDFI Friendly Fort Worth
Glenn S. Forbes
Director Ejecutivo
Glenn Forbes es el primer Director Ejecutivo de CDFI Friendly Fort Worth. Durante una carrera que equilibra las finanzas y el desarrollo comunitario en Fort Worth, Glenn ha demostrado que puede trabajar tanto en comunidades sub-financiadas como en el mundo de la banca y los préstamos.
El señor Forbes tiene más de 32 años de experiencia integral en banca comercial, incluyendo finanzas gubernamentales, gobierno de junta pública, administración de sucursales, desarrollo comunitario y oratoria. Se desempeñó como CEO inicial de dos agencias de desarrollo económico público / privado, incluyendo inversión de capital y liderazgo organizacional. Forbes fue reconocido como JP Morgan Leading Edge Banker del 2018 y como ganador del premio Fort Worth Minority Business Leadership. También tiene amplia experiencia en liderazgo de Juntas sin fines de lucro y Gobierno por Comité para agencias locales y estatales, incluyendo funciones como Presidente y Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo.
Junta Directiva
Andy Williams
Board Chair

Mr. Williams is a U.S. Marine, real estate developer, and award winning social entrepreneur. Host of former HGTV show “Flip or Flop: Fort Worth” and Author of the book “Business is a Battleground”, Mr. Williams continues to leverage the skills from his career in anti-terrorism with the Marines, paramilitary operations with Blackwater, and entrepreneurial ventures within Blackstone Tactical Opportunities fund to create change within his veteran community. Williams is the founder of the vertically integrated real estate investment firm, Rehab Warriors, executing full scale community revitalization with a focus on social impact. Further defined as a social venture structured to empower transitioning veterans to become home rehabbers, home builders, and affordable housing developers.
Connect on LinkedIn →Jazmin Gutierrez
Board Vice-Chairperson

Jazmin Gutierrez is a young professional who is passionate about serving her community. Jazmin has five plus years of experience in non-profit, business/economic development, program management, event management and fundraising. Jazmin received her bachelor’s degree from the University of North Texas with an emphasis in Business Administration, Public Administration, and Communication Studies. Jazmin is currently pursuing her Master's in Public Administration from Tarleton State University. Jazmin was recently named Vice Chair of the City of Fort Worth's Library Advisory Board and Vice Chair of CDFI Friendly Fort Worth Board.
Connect on LinkedIn →Javier Balderrama
Board Secretary

Francisco Javier Balderrama was born and raised in Tarrant County, Texas. After graduating from law school, Javier spent a year at one of the largest criminal defense firms in the State of Texas. There he handled various types of criminal cases in Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Johnson, Parker, and Collin Counties. He also managed thousands of clients including those arrested for DWI, Assaults, Thefts, and many other crimes. Currently, Balderrama is an attorney at Alband, Lane, & Balderrama. Mr. Balderrama is a member of Tarrant County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (TCCDLA), Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (TCDLA), Mexican American Bar Association (MABA), and was included in Fort Worth Magazine’s list of Top Attorneys (2021).
Connect on LinkedIn →Cristal Hernandez-Galvan
Board Treasurer

Cristal is the founder and president of Hernandez Grants & Consulting, LLC., a woman and minority-owned comprehensive service firm. She has a diverse background in working with Federal, State and Private Foundations, identifying funding sources, guiding proposals and securing the resources needed to further organizational strategic goals. Cristal is currently an Ambassador for the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Co-Chair of their Advocacy Committee, as well as a member of the Hispanic Women’s Network (HWNT) where she serves as the State Representative.
Connect on LinkedIn →Joe Cordova
Board Member

Joe Cordova has been a Financial Advisor at Edward Jones since 2016. He holds a Series 7 License and Series 66 License and is also an Accredited Asset Management Specialist or AAMS® this is a professional designation from the College of Financial Planning. Mr. Cordova’s background and professional work experience gives him a unique prospective when helping individuals and business owners plan for and reach their financial goals.Prior to joining Edward Jones, he spent over 17 years working for the City of Fort Worth in various supervisory and management roles, managing federal grant programs.
Connect on LinkedIn →Michelle Green-Ford
Board Member

Michelle Green-Ford is the president and CEO of the Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce, the first woman in the role. In the 90’s, she started working at American Airlines doing international training, leadership development, and management training. This experience led her to start her own training firm, which sought out contracts with city and state government, and other sectors. Through this company, Ms. Green-Ford became affiliated with the Chamber and the City’s Economic Development Department, that helped her business grow. She eventually became the VP of Diversity and Inclusion at JPS Health Network and partnered with the Chamber to conduct business workshops for members. In her new role of President and CEO for the Black Chamber, Green-Ford wants to continue helping small businesses and encouraging economic development.
Connect on LinkedIn →Grace McDermott
Board Member

Grace McDermott is President of the US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce Southwest Region. She has been an active advocate and role model for mentoring women and Asian Americans in assuming greater leadership roles in the business community. She helps Asian businesses achieve their goals through a variety of educational, advocacy, and training programs. Her accomplishments include the signature Annual Asian Business EXPO and the widely acclaimed Women’s Business Symposium.
Willie Rankin
Board Member

Willie Rankin is the Director of the Institute to Advance Child Care at Child Care Associates. Willie Rankin has over ten years of experience in nonprofit management and has worked on several projects to impact vulnerable populations positively. Willie is a Marine Corps Veteran with an Executive MBA from the University of Texas in Arlington. He describes his occupation as a "community servant" and enjoys collaborating with community leaders to impact change.
Connect on LinkedIn →Cómo se formó CDFI Friendly Fort Worth
CDFI Friendly Fort Worth comenzó cuando la directora en jefe de equidad de la ciudad, Christina Brooks, llegó de South Bend, Indiana, en el 2020. Desde finales del 2018 hasta el 2019, Christina había trabajado con CDFI Friendly America para lanzar CDFI Friendly South Bend, que está aumentando el acceso al financiamiento de las CDFI principalmente para empresarios BIPOC (negro, indígena y persona de color) por sus siglas en ingles.
Brooks trabajó con Robert Sturns, Director de Desarrollo Económico de Fort Worth, para proponer al Concejo Municipal que Fort Worth explorara una estrategia CDFI Friendly. La Ciudad y el Concejo Municipal adoptaron la estrategia. La alcaldesa Mattie Parker respaldó la idea de utilizar fondos únicos para crear una forma independiente a largo plazo de brindar acceso a capital para comunidades y personas históricamente sub-financiadas, subestimadas y, a menudo, infravaloradas.
La Ciudad proporcionó $3 millones de dólares para lanzar CDFI Friendly Fort Worth. El esfuerzo para organizar CDFI Friendly Fort Worth comenzó con un foro público muy concurrido a fines de enero del 2022. En junio, se nombró la Junta Directiva fundadora, y los préstamos se pusieron en marcha. En diciembre del 2022, la Junta contrató a Glenn Forbes como Director Ejecutivo fundador de CDFI Friendly Fort Worth, a partir del 3 de enero del 2023.
Para obtener más información sobre cómo CDFI Friendly America lleva el financiamiento de CDFI a las comunidades, Haga clic aquí.