¿Necesita financiamiento?
Recursos para posibles prestatarios
Si necesita asistencia técnica antes de enviar una solicitud de financiamiento CDFI, haga clic en el elemento desplegable a continuación según el tipo de préstamo que está solicitando (Pequeña empresa, Consumidor, Promotor Inmobiliario). Si está listo para solicitar un préstamo, envíe nuestro formulario al final de esta página para que podamos referirlo a alguna CDFI. ¡En cada sección, encontrará recursos útiles para ayudarlo a dar lo mejor de sí mismo y aumentar su probabilidad de recibir un préstamo CDFI!
La asistencia de uno de estos servicios podría ayudarlo a estar mejor preparado para ser aprobado para un préstamo de una CDFI. Algunos de estos servicios cobran una tarifa. Tómese el tiempo para encontrar el recurso o recursos que sean más útiles para usted. CFFW está refiriendo estos recursos porque están disponibles para usted en Fort Worth. Nuestras referencias no son un endosos; solo usted puede juzgar si un proveedor es adecuado para usted.
Recursos de asistencia técnica
para Pequeñas Empresas
Services: Training, business planning, matched with business mentors and small grants
Contact Name: Lourdes Ramboa
Contact Email: lourdes.rambo@tccd.edu
Contact Phone: 817-515-7704
Address: TCC North Campus
Services: One-on-one advising, assistance with financing, accounting, market research, business plan development and marketing
Contact Name: Cynthia Harnest
Contact Email: cynthia.harnest@tccd.edu
Contact Phone: 817-515-2608
Address: 1150 South Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76104
Services: Advise small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs
Contact Name: Michael Kotubey, Dave Sperry
Contact Email: michael.kotubey@scorevolunteer.org, david.sperry@scorevolunteer.org
Contact Phone: 214-912-7858
Services: Business Workshops and Business Advising for startups and next-level businesses, business resources
Contact Name: Tarsha Polk Hearns
Contact Email: wbcdfw@liftfund.com
Contact Phone: 888-215-2373 ext 1006
Recursos de asistencia técnica para
el Consumidor Coaching Financiero
y Creación de Crédito
Offering: Financial coaching, courses, hotline, and credit builder program
Contact Email: financialcoaching@capitalgoodfund.org
Contact Phone: 866-584-3651 ext. 301
Offering: Financial problem solving, home ownership coaching, career development, banking council connecting clients with loans and trainings, consumer loans
Offering: Financial coaching and mentoring
Contact Email: info@pathfinderstc.org
Contact Phone: 817-731-1173
Address: 6550 Camp Bowie Blvd. Suite 111, Fort Worth, TX 76116
Offering: Career, financial, and resource coaching
Contact Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwbFHbwQDPCUnuTK1hKjsBJNpyBlnA2_81w_wEcbx_rE7N1Q/viewform
Contact Phone: 817-927-4050
Address: 1723 Hemphill, Fort Worth, TX 76110
Offering: Free tax preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, skill development, enrolling for financial coaching
Eligibility: Anyone or any household with income less than $60,000
Contact Email: VITA@UnitedWayTarrant.org
Contact Phone: 817-258-8113
Address: 1500 N. Main St., Suite 200, 76164
Recursos de asistencia técnica
para Promotores Inmobiliarios
Offering: Equitable Development Initiative: Training, mentorship, financing
• Identify as racial or ethnic minorities.• Be actively working to further careers in real estate development. As this is not an introductory program, candidates are expected to have some real estate development experience.
• Live in or near the primary metropolitan area of the program, and have a strong connection to the city in which they are working.
• Demonstrate a commitment to inclusive growth and actively participating in that effort in the applicant’s city.
• Be able to commit to in-class training sessions on a weekly basis for up to six (6) hours per week during the cohort period.
• Be interested in responding to requests for proposals for real estate development opportunities with or without a development partner in the next 1-2 years.
Offering: Developer Training
Contact Name: Alice Salinas
Contact Email: ASalinas@lisc.org
Offering: Development Finance Courses
Contact Name: Raquel Favela
Contact Phone: 210-215-0707, 513-657-7870
Address: 1808 S. Good Latimer Expy, Dallas, TX 75226
Offering: Training, Professional Development
Contact Email: nti@nw.org
Phone: 800-438-5547
Recursos de asistencia técnica para
el Consumidor Propietario de Vivienda
Offering: Mortgage down payment assistance, foreclosure prevention assistance, homebuyer, and financial literacy workshops
Eligibility for down payment assistance: https://housing-channel.tmmhosting.com/
Contact Email: counseling@housingchannel.org
Contact Phone: 817-924-5091
Address: 2900 Airport Freeway, Fort Worth 76111
Offering: Home repair assistance
To be eligible, you must be part of one or more of these groups:
• Be a senior aged 60 or older
• Be an honorably discharged veteran or surviving spouse of an honorably discharged veteran
• Be disabled and receiving SSDI or have a physician’s statement
• Be a family with dependent children residing in the home
AND meet all of these qualifications:
• Be living on a very low income according to HUD guidelines
• Own a single-family home with no liens on the property
• Live in the home
• Be within our service area (Dallas, Collin, Denton, Tarrant, and Rockwall counties)
• Be current with real estate taxes or have a written agreement for all delinquent real estate taxes
• Commit to joining our volunteers to the best of your ability as we work on your home
___________________Contact Person: Marissa Wells
Contact Email: office@rtntx.org
Contact Phone: 972-245-6900
Address: 3905 Hedgcoxe Rd #251687 Plano, TX 75025
Offering: Home repair assistance, homebuyer and homeownership workshops
Eligibility: Survey based - see if you are eligible here -https://trinityhabitat.org/services/buy-a-home/eligibility-survey/
Contact: https://trinityhabitat.org/contact/
Address: 9333 N. Normandale St., Fort Worth, TX 76116
Por favor, cuéntenos acerca de sus necesidades de financiación
Las instituciones financieras para el desarrollo comunitario (CDFI, por sus siglas en inglés) desean trabajar con usted y su comunidad al proporcionar financiamiento flexible y asequible. Si necesita financiamiento para un negocio, para comprar una casa, para desarrollar viviendas, para su organización sin fines de lucro o para bienes raíces, complete el siguiente formulario e intentaremos conectarlo con una CDFI que podrían ayudarlo. Para ser elegible, la propiedad debe estar ubicada en la ciudad de Fort Worth.